SITEs DaisyPath + Lilypie + Lilyslim + Pitapata

SITEs úteis para barras de tempo, servem para marcar aniversários e eventos.
Tem countdown ou seja contagem até à data ;)

http://lilypie.com Lilypie - Pregnancy, baby and parenting tickers.
http://daisypath.com Daisypath - Free Wedding, Anniversary and Vacation tickers
http://lilyslim.com LilySlim - Weight-loss tickers
http://lilyslim.com PitaPata - A pet ticker to celebrate your cat, dog or horse.

Sign in to My Daisypath http://daisypath.com/myLogin.php

2 comentários:

  1. 14 December 2010 For Facebook users:

    We have added an option to the Lilypie Application on Facebook, that allows you to post a copy of your ticker to the Wall tab in your Profile so that your friends can see your tickers. More details here:


  2. 10 May 2012 created a Lilypie App for Android
    The App includes Pregnancy, Birthday, Premature Baby and Event tickers with the option to enable Breastfeeding and Memorial tickers.

